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Maximizing Operational Intelligence and Empowering Critical Decisions!

SOCaaS is a Security Operations Center (SOC) subscription-based service that ensures real time monitoring and analysis of security events, proactive incident management and compliance with regulations. Essentially, the term SOCaaS refers to a type of managed security service (MSS) that is cloud-based, built on a multi-tenant software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform.

Also, SOCaaS is an automated managed detection and response (AMDR) cloud service that combines technology and human expertise to perform threat hunting, monitoring, and response on a subscription basis. It provides all of the core security functions performed by a traditional and in-house Security Operation Center, including: Protection Infrastructure Monitoring; Log Management; Threat Detection and Intelligence; Incident Investigation and Response; Reporting; and Risk and Compliance.
No more hassle of setting up in-house Control Room with needs for uninterrupted power supply, human controls, and so much overhead costs.

Benefits of Security Operations Center-as-a-Service

Why do your business need SOCaaS?
Security in the digital era demands that businesses monitor their entire operational activities real-time and resolve all alerts and the most effective way of doing that is SOCaaS. Where does SOCaaS fit within the security functions? Physical and Cyber Security Operations

Looking to improve your security visibility?
Try the Security Operations Center-as-a-Service for 7 days, no commitment

SOCaaS for Physical Security Operations

As organizations continue evolving, exposure to physical security risks while still is increasing as well and the only way to keep up with today’s top security threats — especially as they become more sophisticated — is to continue folding physical security into the everyday functions of the organization they support.
Physical security is no longer just deployment of guard and security gadgets. The corporate security professionals need to continue integrating enterprise risk management solutions into the organization more smartly. However, integrating physical security into different facets of siloed organizations can pose challenges leading to system, people, process and compliance risks -Operational Risk.
Our P-SOCaaS (Physical Security Operations Center as a Service) called MARIA is a managed software-as-a-service platform for effective Physical Security Operations and Integration.

MARIA is a Client-Server (Mobile and Web Applications) configured as an Interactive Monitoring System. It Monitor to Alert, Respond, Investigate and Address Operational Risk (Issues/Threats). The P-SOCaaS (MARIA) has a number of functions that are all centered around managing personnel, process, systems, and operational governance supported by a range of physical security services.

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The P-SOCaaS (MARIA) has a number of functions that
are all centered around managing personnel, process,
systems, and operational governance supported by
a range of physical security services.

SOCaaS for Cyber Security

Cybersecurity is everyone’s job. Rapidly expanding networks, Internet of Things, and sophisticated growing threats need round-the-clock cybersecurity operations. And establishing an efficient cybersecurity team in-house is not an easy task. This is why managed SOCs (SOCaaS) have become highly sought-after services in the security industry. Every organization has security gaps. One of the primary responsibilities of the SOC is to identify these gaps and mitigate security risks

If you’re curious about managed SOC called MARIAM, you’ve clicked on the right link. Effective cybersecurity requires specialized and round-the-clock focus, which most organizations are incapable of providing. MARIAM delivers 24/7/365 threat monitoring, detection and incident response, threat intelligence, and cybersecurity investigations.

Managed SOCs provide world-class security expertise with the added benefit of cost-effectiveness. They provide all SOC services on a subscription model. It eliminates capital expenditure and dramatically reduces operational costs as well.

If you want enhanced security operations, accelerated threat detection, and on-point remediation, you need to consider partnering with 247CSO for MARIAM without delay.

Round-the-clock monitoring and response capabilities, ensuring timely detection and mitigation of security incidents to help organizations stay ahead of emerging threats.
It integrates with your tech stack, providing 24/7 monitoring with real-time detection, analysis & reporting.
Develop and deploy robust cybersecurity policies that address your most vulnerable processes
Comprehensive investigation tracking and ticket management that gives you visibility into your security incidents and remediation status.
Track and report user actions automatically. Our team does the work of discovering and securing your network assets so you don’t have to
Correlate events across your data to quickly find root cause analysis and stop attacks in their tracks.

MARIA Comprises

  • 24/7 End-to-End Monitoring
  • Incident Analysis and Response
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Non-Compliance Detection
  • Alarm Management
  • Situation Reporting
  • Realtime Guard Patrol
  • Visitor Management System


Like a traditional Security Control Room, P-SOCaaS operates continuously, providing 24/7 monitoring, detection and response capabilities.
This helps ensure threats are contained and neutralized quickly, which in turn allows organizations to reduce their “breakout time” — the critical window between when an intruder compromises the first machine and when they can move laterally to other parts of the network.

Using AI-Supported Decision Making System

We are committed to the strong use of a model-based software tool called Sit-SECURE to identify your protection needs, analyse possible threats and calculate the resulting risks.

Sit-SECURE is a state-of-the-art AI platform for Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment (often referred to as TARA) as defined by defined by ISO/SAE 21434. Many different risk assessment methods have been described by both academia and industry, and most (if not all) of them can be realized with Security Analyst.

It is important that the adopted method scales with the status of the development process so that secure system design is possible right from the start (Security by Design) but can also be applied for existing and detailed systems. This is less difficult if a clear separation of impact assessment and threat assessment is achieved.

Based on the Sit-SECURE risk algorithm, it is possible to calculate how security goals might be threatened. Wherever the estimated likelihood of a threat meets the impact (damage potential) of a security goal, it is possible to calculate a risk level. We call this propagation. These risks can then be analyzed and treated appropriately (e.g. by mitigation or avoidance) or accepted.

Who we are


YourCSO247 is a provider of most affordable and reliable SMART Security Solutions in the World
