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Build 360° Security Professionals

Physical and Digital Security (often called Cybersecurity) have traditionally been treated as different roles; however, the rise of interconnected systems is driving the need for these previously siloed teams and systems to work together. 

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Making Sense of Security
A must read book on “Risk-informed & Technology-driven Corporate Security Management”

Last updated 1 year ago


Paradigm shift in corporate security consciousness; the urgent need! “MAKING SENSE OF SECURITY” is a book intended for both security practitioners and business executives longing to align corporate security functions with the company strategies for successful attainment of business performance goals. The concept of the handbook relies on comprehensive and practical definition of security as a function of crime prevention to asset protection through data analytics (data) and risk-driven business resiliency

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Roadblocks to Convergence?

Personnel or skillset issue

According to the ASIS survey, the biggest obstacle slowing organizations to adapt to combined systems revolve around people issues.Physical security departments are often set in a history of siloed traditions and functions.

Confusion over roles and responsibilities

Personnel are often hesitant to give up or share control of what they consider to be core competencies including people management, intelligence, and investigations. IT professionals can be equally rooted in their own routines built around the latest technology, system innovations, and cyberthreats. Loss of authority, status, control, or staff are equally feared by both groups.

Finally, complacency can be a major impediment to security convergence. Organizations are often content with the status quo until an incident occurs or a mandate for change is declared by senior leadership. According to the ASIS study, 44 percent of firms surveyed have no form of convergence while many more are only partially converged.

However, the benefits of rolling out converged security can far outweigh the initial challenges, especially with the proper planning and execution.

It’s important to set strategic goals for security convergence so that all stakeholders, including senior executives, buy into change.

The Key goals include:

1✔Develop a stronger security posture 2✔Improve crisis management 3✔Strengthen business continuity 4✔Increase knowledge transfer 5✔SImprove efficiency and lower costs


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Become a student today and scale up your career in security, click the button today to registar now

Building 360° Security Professionals

Physical and Digital Security often called Cybersecurity have traditionally been treated as different roles; however, the rise of interconnected systems is driving the need for these previously siloed teams and systems to work together. Security convergence (or converged security) is the approach of integrating cybersecurity and physical security technology strategies to increase awareness and strengthen protection of facilities, people and data in a holistic way.

In other words, converged security combines the efforts of safeguarding physical assets, such as by limiting access, installing video surveillance and using intrusion detection, and protecting digital assets like computers, networks and applications

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As more physical systems now rely on Internet connectivity and local networks to operate, with IoT integrations and cloud-based systems among the top 2023 security trends, security convergence is more important than ever. The changes in the way businesses work, together with greater use of public cloud, highly connected supply chains and use of cyber-physical systems have exposed new and challenging attack surfaces, which leaves organizations more vulnerable to attack. Going a step beyond traditional approaches to security monitoring, detection and response can help manage this wider set of  risks.

One of the key pillars of security convergence is that both the physical security and cyber security teams within organizations share an objective — to secure critical assets. Although the two teams approach this goal from different perspectives, organizations can achieve the maximum level of protection by converging teams and systems. Organizations have now become more dependent on technology for their business than ever before and the re-alignment of teams may allow for better utilization of personnel resources. Hence, security professionals are expected to upskill their technical competency.

Corporate Security and Risk Management

The role of a 21st Century Corporate Security & Risk Manager has now evolved at an exponential rate over the past years. No longer is security management restricted to solely concerned about tangible assets surrounded by walls, armed personnel and gates. Data is the new asset to be protected. In today's digital age, data is undeniably one of the most valuable assets an organization possesses as it holds the key to insights, innovation, and competitive advantage. However, as data's significance continues to grow, so do the threats to its security.

The challenges faced by global Corporate Security & Risk Managers during this advancement have become complex as the threats that enterprises are exposed to, such as cyber-attacks, require greater depth of knowledge relating to Physical and Digital Security strategies. As advances in technology have made physical/digital security strategies to be data/intelligence driven, 21st Century Corporate Security & Risk Managers are now expected to embrace relevance skillsets to combat the nature of current and future enterprise threats.

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A greater breadth of knowledge and more holistic paradigms is highly required because RISK as a probability has now morphed into RISK as an accountability and managers are the incumbents. Business functions of Physical Security Managers have increased and require greater understanding of IT risk management, business continuity management and corporate governance.However, greater responsibility attracts greater reward as security managers now take their own seat on the Board, no longer in the shadows of facility managers or other departments.

Initiate your career journey to becomes 360° Security Manager with 247CSO!

TECHSEC –The Converged Security!

Technical security (TECHSEC) refers to a series of techniques from state-of-the-art surveillance and counter surveillance systems to access control, cyber security, blast protection, and reliable communication networks systems. The convergence on digital and physical security. Bridging the Gap between Physical and Digital Security!The line between virtual and reality seems to be getting shorter and shorter by the day. As a result, technology needs to bridge the security gaps. Sharing and collaborating in all areas from traditional cyber security, to digital threat intelligence, and physical security. Security programs that have an integrated approach and share intelligence are better equipped to manage security threats and mitigate potential damages as well as saving; TimeMoneyResources So where do you start? Sign up today for our TECHSEC Program called 360°CSO

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